10 tips for taking better pictures on your phone

There’s an amateur photographer in all of us. Whether you like snapping key moments, or abstract images, having the ability to do so through our smartphones has been life-changing. There’s no need to lug around heavy photography equipment when all you need is at your fingertips! So, if you’d like …

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Are you giving your phone enough TLC?

You spend more time with your phone than your parents, your loved ones and your friends. It’s in your pocket all the time, reassuringly buzzing away every time you get a like, tweet or snap. Despite spending so much time with our phones, some of us don’t look after them …

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10 iOS tricks and tips that will change your life

Smartphones have made our lives ridiculously easy. From finding somewhere on maps to keeping in touch with everyone, life is pretty sweet at the moment. Honestly, how did people survive before 2007? Believe it or not, you can make your life even easier with a few handy shortcuts and tricks …

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