
The big tech trends of 2016

It’s a new year, which means we’re another step closer to a world of flying cars and hoverboards (but not the kind that blow up while charging). 2016 should be a big year for tech, as demonstrated by all the exciting stuff on display at CES 2016 at the moment. …

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5 of the most exciting new tablets

Planning to upgrade to a new tablet? Here are a few of the best new devices around! iPad Pro If you believe that bigger is better, then you’ll love the iPad Pro. With a 12.9 inch display, it’s the biggest iPad ever and almost as big as a MacBook! It’s …

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How to choose a laptop for school, college or uni

Buying a laptop is a terrifying experience if you aren’t technically minded: all those specifications, all those designs, all those prices that would make your bank manager weep into a pile of fivers. Don’t fret, though. Shopping for a laptop for school or uni is fairly easy if you plan …

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Android Apple

The Greatest Tech Rivalries of All Time

Apple Music launched last week and people promptly discussed whether or not it was going to kill Spotify, the other big player in the music streaming market. To date, the war between the two services has been fairly tame but history suggests things might get nasty as competition heats up. …

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Most Traded CDs

The Top 10 Most Traded CDs

Love music? Check out the brand new musicMagpie Store, where you’ll find loads of Vinyl records at amazing prices, from rock to pop to hip-hop and more!    Which CDs have people been selling the most of to us recently? We’re glad you asked… 1)      Whatever People Say I Am, That’s …

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