5 of the best phones released in 2019 (so far!)

Upgrading your phone? With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming. To help you, we looked at some of the best devices released this year, with their key features, so you can choose your next phone. Google Pixel 3a Whilst the Google Pixel 3 is only a few …

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How to avoid being overcharged for your phone contract

Having a phone contract can be really costly. Depending on the phone you’re after and the usage you need, you could pay as much as £100 a month for your phone! Of course, you could pay a lot less ”“ and we’re here to help you with that. Check out …

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What is the best way to sell my phone?

You’re probably wondering “what is the best way to sell my phone?” – otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this post! Well, we’ve answered some of the internet’s most burning phone-selling-related questions to help you out. Read on to find out everything you need to know about selling your phone! Where …

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How to organise your smartphone

We not only spend our lives on our smartphones, we put our lives into them too. Endless pictures, messages and apps create a cluttered digital space that can become stressful. A messy workspace or home would get tidied, so why wouldn’t your phone? It’s easy to get started and once …

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How to Make Your Phone Secure

Your phone contains more information about you than you think. Facebook may have pictures of you, while your banking app holds sensitive financial information that thieves would love to get their hands on. That’s why it’s so important to make your phone as secure as possible. Here are a few …

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How to clean your phone (and keep it clean!)

If you’re reading this on a phone, we’ve got some bad news: that device in your hands, that wonderful sleek handset that connects you to the world, is crawling with germs. There’s science to prove it too. Here’s a quick rundown (grab a bucket, just in case)… – A London …

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