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Terms and Conditions

Return of Tech Items

16.1 If you choose to decline the revised Valuation within the Grace Period, then the Item will be returned by our chosen courier to you at no additional cost and the Item shall be dispatched the next Working Day. Please note that we may not always be able to return accessories sent with your device in the case of a rejected offer.

16.2 It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the address details provided in your Website account are valid, accurate and correct and you accept and agree that we shall not be liable for any loss of any kind that you may incur due to Items being returned by us to an invalid or incorrect address as a result of your failure to provide valid, accurate and up to date address details. Please be aware that your Item will only be delivered to the address that you provide. If you want to change your address while an order is in progress, you’ll need to contact our customer service team. If you fail to do this, your item will be returned to the address on your account when you created your order.

16.3 We will alert you via email that your Item is due to be delivered to your given address on the day that the Item is due to be delivered.

16.4 If your Item is not delivered when expected by our courier, you must notify us within 14 days of the agreed delivery date. If you fail to notify us of non-delivery within 14 days we shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of non-delivery.

16.5 Upon notification of non-delivery you will be required to complete a ‘Letter of Denial of Receipt’ (a copy of which we will provide you with) within 7 days of us providing you with the same. If you fail to submit a Letter of Denial of Receipt in accordance with our instructions within 7 days we shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of non-delivery.

16.6 We shall be entitled to make such investigations as we deem necessary to satisfy ourselves of the validity of any such claim and will liaise with the relevant carrier to confirm if non-delivery has occurred.

16.7 If the courier notifies us direct that a Package has been “Lost in Transit” (meaning that the Package can no longer be tracked or located by the courier for delivery to the customer) you will not be required to complete a ‘Letter of Denial’. We will conduct our own internal investigations and once we are satisfied that the Package cannot be located and delivered to you, we will contact you in writing to confirm that your Package has been Lost in Transit and provide you with payment of the Valuation in accordance with condition 16.8.

16.8 In calculating the value of any claim we shall accept no other valuations than our original value for the Items that you may be claiming for and under no circumstances do we accept any liability for any other loss, damage or compensation resulting from our return of your Item.

16.9 If your claim is successful then we will notify you in writing and payment of the Valuation will be made via the payment method specified in your account on the Website.