9 ways to make your phone battery last longer

What’s the one thing you wish you could fix on your phone? The battery. No matter how much we charge our phones and are cautious about our usage, it is hard to avoid a swift battery drain. The simple solution would be to stop using your phone! But that’s not …

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Which phones are the best value for money?

Smartphone prices are increasing every year. Some get small upgrades whereas others blow us away with their innovation! It’s tricky to find the real value before you pay for your new phone. We’ve looked at some of the best value phones you can get your hands on! iPhone 7 If …

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How to avoid being overcharged for your phone contract

Having a phone contract can be really costly. Depending on the phone you’re after and the usage you need, you could pay as much as £100 a month for your phone! Of course, you could pay a lot less ”“ and we’re here to help you with that. Check out …

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6 of the best phones for gaming

Smartphones haven’t ever really been synonymous with gaming. The power in consoles and gaming computers is huge and a teeny tiny little smartphone wouldn’t be able to handle the strain of what a real gamer would need from the graphics and in-play styles. However, a couple of phones make the …

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What is the best way to sell my phone?

You’re probably wondering “what is the best way to sell my phone?” – otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this post! Well, we’ve answered some of the internet’s most burning phone-selling-related questions to help you out. Read on to find out everything you need to know about selling your phone! Where …

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How to switch from Android to Apple

The age old question of whether you’re into Android or iOS can see us all get a little bit tribal. When the latest phones come out, it’s totally understandable if you want to jump ship and join the dark side! If it’s time for you to move away from the …

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How to keep your phone performing well as it ages

Trying to get the most out of our phones is important. We spend a lot on these little devices, so we want to get out money’s worth! Plus, we fall in love with our phones and don’t want to change them too often. So, how to you make sure your …

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