Which phones are the best value for money?

Smartphone prices are increasing every year. Some get small upgrades whereas others blow us away with their innovation! It’s tricky to find the real value before you pay for your new phone. We’ve looked at some of the best value phones you can get your hands on! iPhone 7 If …

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What is the best way to sell my phone?

You’re probably wondering “what is the best way to sell my phone?” – otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this post! Well, we’ve answered some of the internet’s most burning phone-selling-related questions to help you out. Read on to find out everything you need to know about selling your phone! Where …

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Girl holding phone

How to keep your children safe online

The internet is a daunting prospect for parents, with regular reports of potentially harmful challenges and content putting our children at risk. The most recent scare revolves around Momo, a ghoulish figure who allegedly appears in the middle of YouTube videos and encourages children to carry out tasks culminating in …

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11 skills that are dying out as technology advances

It’s no secret that technology is advancing at an incredible rate. Some of the biggest companies in the world are only a few years old, there’s an app for just about everything and we’re rarely without a device in our hands. With our lives becoming undeniably easier, what do we …

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7 realistic ways to use your phone less

Smartphones grant us access to an endless stream of entertainment and let us talk to anyone we want whenever we like. It’s no surprise, then, that a lot of us are quite attached to our devices. In a 2016 poll by Common Sense Media, 50% of teenagers said they were …

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