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Top 50 tips to save money

Saving money can be a struggle, especially if you don’t know where to start! Luckily, we’ve got the best ways to achieve your money goals, 50 in fact! 

Check out the best money saving ideas, tips – from selling iPhones to switching your energy bills, find out how to make quick money in as little as a day!

How to make quick money in a day 

Check out these easy ways to make easy, fast cash in a day: 

Sell your unwanted stuff

Sell Phones, Tech, DVDs, Books, CDs, and Games with musicMagpie today to make extra cash! 

Mystery shopper 

Get paid to visit shops and restaurants for feedback on their performance!


Turn your old receipts into cash! There are so many apps such as Shoppix and CheckoutSmart where you can take a picture of your receipt and download it on the app and get instant cash.

Use survey sites 

Surveys are a quick and easy way for you to make extra cash, they take just seconds to fill out. For example i-Say, OnePoll, and Survey friends. Available on Android and iOS.


Are you interested in new technology? You can earn money from giving your opinion on products and services today. It’s free to download on Android and iOS.


Through this app you can make money by completing surveys, watching videos, and carrying out polls. It’s free to download on Android and iOS.

Budgeting Apps

One of the best ways to be in control of your spending is by downloading budgeting apps! Here’s a variety of apps to help you manage the cost of travel, bills, food and so much more.


This app lets you earn points when you check into restaurants, bars, and other venues. An icon will appear for special offers depending on where you go. It’s free to download on Android and iOS.

Big Oven

Say goodbye to food waste and save money on meals! Its leftover function lets you add any ingredients you have in the house and it will tell you what you can make from them. It’s free to download on Android and iOS.


Tired of paying expensive prices for parking? Save money on parking by using this app to locate free parking areas. It’s free to download on Android and iOS.


This is one of the cheapest ways to travel by rail, especially if you book your ticket in advance. It’s free to download on Android and iOS.

Meter readings

Pay just 99p for this app and keep an eye on how much you’re spending on utility bills. It’s available to download on iOS.


Browse the best deals near you and simply redeem your code to get a discount. It’s free to download on Android and iOS.


This app lets you put money into different digital jars, helping you budget your ingoings and outgoings. It’s free to download on Android and iPhone

Save money on water and electricity bills 

It can be challenging to keep an eye on how much water you use each day, check out easy ways to change habits to save money. 

Don’t boil more water than you need

Only boil the amount of water in the kettle than you need in order to save on your electricity and water bills.

Put a full washing load on

Make sure that your washing machine is full before you turn it on, this will help cut down on water consumption.

Use a washing bowl in the sink 

As washing bowls are smaller than the sink, they use less water!

Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth

A lot of people are guilty of doing this! Turning the tap off is a small way to reduce how much water you use. 

Put a brick in the toilet 

Toilets use so much water per flush! Open up the cistern at the back of it and pop a small brick in it, you’ll use less water. 

Don’t heat rooms that aren’t being used

Turning the radiator down in certain rooms or put reflective foil onto the back of your radiators to help reduce heat loss. 

Stop charging your devices overnight

A lot of us are guilty of charging our Phones overnight, but it can waste a lot of electricity. Try charging it for a few hours throughout the day to save on electricity.  

Ditch paper bills

If you become an online customer, you’ll have better access to a range of cheaper plans and deals. It helps save the trees too!

Shop savvier

Check out these ways to change shopping habits that will save you money! 

Buy in bulk

It’s cheaper to buy in bulk than single items each time you go to the supermarket and they will last you longer! 

Buy own brands

Skipping on big brands and buying supermarket ranges will reduce how much your shopping trip will cost.

Don’t shop when hungry

If you’re hungry whilst food shopping then you’re more likely to buy items you don’t need.

Switch shower gel and handwash for soap

It’s a lot cheaper to buy a bar of soap than buy bottles of shower gel and handwash – they all do the same job! Make sure to check any allergies or sensitives if you’re switching products. 

Find a better phone deal

Phone contracts can be expensive so don’t be afraid to shop around to get the best deal or ideally rent a phone with musicMagpie! It’s a much cheaper option and gives you more freedom. 

Reusable coffee cups 

Save money on your next morning coffee run by reusing your cup to get discounts on your next drink.

Use click and collect

Instead of paying ridiculous delivery charges, pick up your purchases for free with click and collect. 

Shop at local market stalls

Fruit and veg prices are much cheaper (and fresher!) at market stalls than in supermarkets.

Lower price supermarkets 

Try going to stores such as Aldi and Lidl where prices are cheaper than the bigger chains.

Make your own food

Instead of buying pre-made smoothies, sandwiches etc, making your own is a cheaper alternative.

Discounts and loyalty points

Want to get points and discounts for spending money? Check out these great tips to earn discounts that will save you money in the long run.

Loyalty cards

Get yourself a reward card to earn vouchers and points when you spend! The most popular cards are Tesco Clubcard, Nectar card, and Boots advantage card. 

Avoid store cards

It is tempting when the shop assistant is saying you can get a 10% discount if you sign up for a store card. Steer clear from this – as you can increase your chance of getting into debt, as the interests can be high if you don’t pay on time. 

Price match 

Certain shops have a policy that if you find a lower price for an item, they’ll beat it. Next time you find an item cheaper elsewhere, it’s worth asking about a price match. 

Use price comparison sites 

These sites let you browse hundreds of financial products and compare them. It’s worth browsing and doing your research for car insurance, broadband providers, utilities and so much more.

Have a no spend day

This could be done weekly or however, you choose! Plan ahead when this is going to be, or alternatively, you could put away the amount you would normally spend each day for motivation. 

Start budgeting  

Managing your ingoings and outgoings is one of the best ways to save money! Check out these easy ways to do this: 

Cancel unnecessary direct debits

It’s really easy to miss your direct debits, have a quick browse of your monthly statement to prevent any unnecessary payments.

Don’t spend loads on payday

It can be difficult not to spend on payday, especially when you’ve been waiting all month. 

Freeze food

There’s nothing worse than wasting food! Get into the habit of freezing leftovers, bread, raw meat, veg and so much more.

Set saving goals 

Set goals each week for how much you want to save and see how much you have by the end of the month. This can be done through apps, putting money into your savings account, and budgeting. 

Curve Card 

It lets you combine your cards all into one and is designed to manage your money as all of your accounts are in one place.

Freeze gym membership

If you no longer use your membership or aren’t currently using it, to stop unnecessary direct debits coming out of your account, simply freeze your account. 


Download the Monzo app for free and use its savings pots to put away your money and set up spending targets. It’s free to download on Android and iOS.

Delete unused subscriptions

Check your bank statement to find any subscriptions you no longer use and cancel them, this will save you money each month. 

Set up a standing order for your savings

It can be difficult to remember to put money away each month, set up a standing order with your bank, and watch the cash add up. 

Free day gym pass

Before committing to a gym membership, a lot of gyms offer a free day pass. Use these until you decide to commit to one.

Use an incognito browser 

When you shop online, companies can’t track what you’ve been looking at if you use an incognito browser. 

1p saving challenge 

On day one save 1p, day two save 2p and after 365 days – you should have over £600 saved up. 

Don’t pay to withdraw your cash

A lot of ATMs charge for withdrawing your money, some up to £2.50! To cut the cost, try to go to machines where it is free.

Use your old phone as a sat nav 

Instead of using your current phone as a sat nav and draining the battery, use an old device instead.

What are you waiting for? Try out these money saving tips today!