How to switch from Android to Apple

The age old question of whether you’re into Android or iOS can see us all get a little bit tribal. When the latest phones come out, it’s totally understandable if you want to jump ship and join the dark side! If it’s time for you to move away from the …

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How to keep your phone performing well as it ages

Trying to get the most out of our phones is important. We spend a lot on these little devices, so we want to get out money’s worth! Plus, we fall in love with our phones and don’t want to change them too often. So, how to you make sure your …

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Huawei: The smartphone disruptor taking the tech world by storm

When it comes to smartphones, Samsung and Apple are generally considered the biggest players on the market. But recently, a Chinese manufacturer has been making a big name for themselves – and they’ve even overtaken Apple to become the second biggest smartphone manufacturer in the world. Meet Huawei. Huawei’s place …

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Are you giving your phone enough TLC?

You spend more time with your phone than your parents, your loved ones and your friends. It’s in your pocket all the time, reassuringly buzzing away every time you get a like, tweet or snap. Despite spending so much time with our phones, some of us don’t look after them …

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