Xbox One S

The Best of E3 2016: Xbox One S, Resident Evil 7 and more!

The annual E3 event took place earlier this week and it didn’t disappoint. Sony, Microsoft, EA and more announced loads of new games and even a couple of consoles! Xbox One S It was only a matter of time until Microsoft or Sony unveiled a small version of their latest …

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The 10 Best PS4 Games So Far

The PS4 is nearly 3 years old this year. Over those 3 years, some amazing games have been released for the console. But which are the top PS4 games? Here are 10 of our favourites! If you’d like to get your hands on a PS4 plus 6 amazing games (including Uncharted …

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ps4 controller

Will Sony release a new PlayStation this year?

The PlayStation 4 has been a huge success for Sony, shifting over 35 million units worldwide and leaving the poor old Xbox One choking on its dust. According to rumours, however, Sony will unveil the PS4’s successor at next month’s E3. What will it be? And will it spell an …

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Playstation controller

10 PlayStation 3 games everyone should play

As it approaches its 10th birthday, the PS3’s days are numbered. Its arch-nemesis, the Xbox 360, was recently discontinued, and it won’t be getting the latest version of Call of Duty either. The end is nigh. Consoles never really die though. People still play the Super Nintendo, and that’s nearly …

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9 of the best retro first person shooters

The Doom remake hits shelves today, with thousands of gamers shunning the rare sunshine in favour of another jaunt to Hell with just a shotgun for company. Although Doom’s open beta received less than stellar reviews, mainly due to the fact that it borrows some modern FPS features like load …

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A Game Controller

10 things video games have made much easier

Learning a new skill requires patience, endurance and a willingness to learn. Video games, on the other hand, let you do everything you’ve ever wanted by pressing a few buttons. Such as… Extreme sports Thanks to games, you don’t have to risk breaking your ankle while learning how to kickflip. …

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ps4 controller

10 of the best video games with no killing

We’re tired, people. Tired of killing. Not in real life, obviously (please, put down the phone). On video games. All those dead-eyed drones we’ve shot, stabbed and squashed under our big Italian plumber shoes, just trying to do their job their evil master set them. We laughed as they fell …

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ps4 controller

7 easy ways to not suck at Call of Duty

Call of Duty is one of the biggest entertainment franchises ever, making over £6 billion worldwide since 2003. It’s success is partially due to how easy it is to pick up: anyone with an internet connection can start a game and maybe score a few kills. Getting good at the …

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