What is the highest-grossing film of the 2000s?

The 2000s truly broke the mould for cinema. Huge records were broken by visionary films that would change the game forever. But how much money did they rake in? We got our calculator out to find the highest-grossing films of the 2000s! 15) The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship …

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6 of the best Disney sequels

Keeping a good thing going presents quite a few challenges. It’s no different when it comes to movies! Creating a sequel that keeps your audience interested, isn’t a regurgitation of the original and that is commercial successful is tricky, but Disney have nailed it a few times. To celebrate the …

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5 of the best Royal love stories

With the Royal Wedding just a day away, regal love is in the air! Although we didn’t get an invite to Price Harry and Meghan Markle’s big day, we’ve found the perfect films to get you in the mood for the nuptials! Shrek An unconventional choice we know, but Shrek’s …

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Video Camera

Which director has directed the most films?

Directing a film is an arduous time-consuming task. Most directors only manage to make one film every couple of years, such is the stress and planning involved. Some, however, manage to churn out films like McDonald’s churn out burgers. Here are the most prolific directors of the modern era (i.e. …

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Why we’ll always need Shakespeare

If you were to consider who the greatest writer in the English language was, would you pick William Shakespeare? Many would and even more than 400 years since his death, Shakespeare is as prominent in class rooms and lecture halls as ever. We’re all pretty aware of how important his …

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