Tech references in music

If you listen closely to the lyrics of your favourite songs, you might notice some extravagant purchases being mentioned. They might mention their excessive income or their beloved car but what we’ve noticed is more and more artist like to name-drop their favourite electrical item. We’ve listened to some tracks, …

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Nokia 8110

The best of MWC 2018

The world’s phone manufacturers (apart from one notable exception) are currently gathered in Barcelona for Mobile World Congress, an annual tradeshow where Samsung, Sony, et al show off their latest devices. This year’s MWC has been a slightly understated affair, with many of the big names ”“ most notably LG …

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The upcoming tech that will change your life in the next ten years

It’s 2018 and, according to the movies, we should be riding hoverboards and exploring distant planets by now. Alas, we’re still waiting. But don’t be too disappointed; there’s loads of tech coming out in the next few years that will change your life forever! Automated cars Photo by Evgeny Tchebotarev on Unsplash Driving …

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iPhone 6

What are the most popular gadgets of all time?

Smartphones, consoles, MP3 players; whatever their purpose, we all love gadgets. They might be a luxury item or they might be needed to make our lives easier. We anticipate new releases and are in awe at how much can fit in a tiny package. We’ve looked at the facts and …

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5 surprising early versions of your favourite tech

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were your tech products. The chances are it went through loads of iterations before emerging as the sleek device you love today, and some of these iteratations are…well, pretty shocking, to be honest. Here are some surprising early versions of beloved gadgets. …

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