
What does your tablet say about you?

Why did you buy your tablet?  It’s nice user interface? It’s good choice of apps? That pretty case that came with it? Wrong, wrong and wrong. According to various new outlets, your choice of tablet comes down to what kind of person you are. Basically, the tablet you use reveals …

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Hidden App Game Gems: Android

Here’s a fun task for you: go to the Google Play store and try and find a decent game to download. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? Well it isn’t. Finding decent games on Google Play is like trying to find a diamond in a Mount Everest-sized pile of horse dung ”“ …

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moto g

5 of the Best Budget Smartphones

While Samsung and Apple are busy designing super phones brimming with new (and sometimes pointless) features, a new market for budget smartphones has emerged. These phones are less powerful and offer less features but can cost as little as £60, meaning you can buy one outright and not be tied …

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Sega Dreamcast

Thursday Throwback: Sega Dreamcast

It’s Thursday, which means that it’s time to jump in the Magpie time machine and visit CDs, DVDs, Games & Tech from the past! Today’s Throwback Thursday tells the tragic tale of the best games console ever… Ah, the Sega Dreamcast. It’s a name that, for many, won’t mean anything …

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The surprisingly easy app of the week: MyFitnessPal

Shift some extra pounds before your holiday with this amazing app. What is it?  MyFitnessPal lets you track how many calories you consume over the course of a day ”“ perfect if you’re on a diet. Why is it surprisingly easy? Two words: barcode scanner. MyFitnessPal scans the food you …

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5 signs that it’s time to upgrade your phone

Most of us treat our smartphones pretty badly considering how much they’re worth. Maybe it’s because we pay for them over the course of a contract, but people seem to chuck their devices around like they’re made of steel. Of course, this leads to a lot of wear and tear. …

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Should you sell your iPhone and switch to Android?

Oh yeah, we’re going there. A couple of years ago, iOS was the obvious choice. It offered a better experience, had better apps and the iPhone had much better features. But recently, Android has caught up. In fact, Apple was even accused of copying Android’s best features in their recent …

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Apple Logo

iPhone 6 pics REVEALED!

Are you ready to see the brand new iPhone? You sure? Okay, here it is… Yep, that’s the iPhone 6 (on the left) in all of its glory…apparently. The pictures were posted by Taiwanese actor Jimmy Lin on the Chinese social network Weibo. That might sounds like a dubious source, …

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