Bedtime Stories

Are fairytales outdated and offensive? We asked 2,000 parents…

Parents have read their children fairytales before bedtime for hundreds of years. The chances are you’ve heard more than your share over the years, and you might even read a few of them to your kids too. They endure because they’re wholesome, fun and teach kids important life lessons like …

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5 of the best Rock memoirs

At the height of their fame, rockstars make amazing music, tour the world and make quite a few stories! These stories deserve to be shared with the world, so many decide to write memoirs when the party ends and they get off the tour bus. We’ve made a list of …

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Why we’ll always need Shakespeare

If you were to consider who the greatest writer in the English language was, would you pick William Shakespeare? Many would and even more than 400 years since his death, Shakespeare is as prominent in class rooms and lecture halls as ever. We’re all pretty aware of how important his …

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5 crime books to start your collection

Many of us have a bit of a morbid fascination when it comes to major crimes. It’s why crime-focussed films and especially books have become so popular! We’ve looked at some of the essential books on crimes that have changed the world and investigations that left us scratching our heads. …

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Literature and popular culture

Works of literature, even those that are hundreds of years old, still have an impact on the entertainment we enjoy today. Books, poems, plays ”“ you name it, they’ve been altered for the modern day! These timeless works will stick around long after their creator has gone. We’ve looked at …

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