5 of the best Rock memoirs

At the height of their fame, rockstars make amazing music, tour the world and make quite a few stories! These stories deserve to be shared with the world, so many decide to write memoirs when the party ends and they get off the tour bus. We’ve made a list of …

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Why we’ll always need Shakespeare

If you were to consider who the greatest writer in the English language was, would you pick William Shakespeare? Many would and even more than 400 years since his death, Shakespeare is as prominent in class rooms and lecture halls as ever. We’re all pretty aware of how important his …

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The joy of physical movies, albums and games

Although streaming has become more and more common due to its convenience, there’s no denying the true joy in a physical release. For music, film or game fans, it’s a special way to commemorate something you love dearly! We’ve considered some of the best things about physical media and compiled …

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5 crime books to start your collection

Many of us have a bit of a morbid fascination when it comes to major crimes. It’s why crime-focussed films and especially books have become so popular! We’ve looked at some of the essential books on crimes that have changed the world and investigations that left us scratching our heads. …

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5 of the best diet cookbooks

Every January, millions of people resolve to get in shape… and promptly fall off the wagon two weeks in. One of the main reasons is a lack of healthy food ideas. There’s only so many times you can eat chicken and rice, after all. If you’re struggling for healthy meal ideas, we …

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8 essential sci-fi books to read

Science fiction is one of literature’s richest genres, using space, alien life and technology to comment on the world, society and the human condition. It’s also a vast genre, with hundreds of novels released every year. Here are 8 essential sci-fi books to help you get to grips with this …

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5 books you should have read

When we’re trying to make positive changes to our busy schedules, one of the first things we consider is reading more. The only difficulty is; where do you start? You could go back centuries and delve into the classics, or you could pick modern greats that have changed the game. …

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