movie theatre

The Best and Worst Video Game Movies

Video game movies unexpectedly became a serious hype after the release of Super Mario Bros in 1993. There have been a fair few releases since then that haven’t completely made our faces crease, but it’s safe to say that video game movies have a bit of a reputation…  Writers who …

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the most anticipated game resleases of 2020

The Most Anticipated Game Releases of 2020

2020 is going to be a fantastic year for the gaming world. From console releases to remasters of iconic franchises, you’re bound to be in for a treat.  Wondering what’s out this year? Keep this post in your bookmarks. Some titles are still in TBC state, but we’ll be updating …

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The most exciting E3 announcements

The hottest anticipated gaming convention has taken place! Taking place in Los Angeles between June 11 and 13 (with a few announcements taking place beforehand), E3 was brimming with amazing concepts and super exciting games. Gaming giant Sony didn’t take part this year, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty …

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PS Controller

Gaming accounts for more than half of UK entertainment

The gaming market in the UK now has a value of £3.9 billion, making up more than 51% of the entertainment market’s value of £7.5 billion. Gaming is bigger than video and music combined. The Entertainment Retailers Association (ERA) named three major titles that helped with this immense growth ”“ …

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PS4 controller

What is the best selling game series of all time?

You know the feeling of happiness you get when you find an amazing TV show you absolutely love, and seeing there are a whole load of seasons to indulge in? Imagine that, but for games. There are so many incredible games franchises out there and we’ve found the best-selling franchises …

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10 of the best games apps to download now

Trying to pass the time on your morning commute is difficult once you’ve exhausted your Twitter feed and you’ve seen the same meme for a third time on Facebook. Use your time wisely by downloading some brilliant games to keep your mind and thumbs busy! We’ve looked at some of …

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The joy of physical movies, albums and games

Although streaming has become more and more common due to its convenience, there’s no denying the true joy in a physical release. For music, film or game fans, it’s a special way to commemorate something you love dearly! We’ve considered some of the best things about physical media and compiled …

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