Why we’ll always need Shakespeare

If you were to consider who the greatest writer in the English language was, would you pick William Shakespeare? Many would and even more than 400 years since his death, Shakespeare is as prominent in class rooms and lecture halls as ever. We’re all pretty aware of how important his …

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The hidden costs of streaming

Whilst streaming has undoubtedly made our lives easier by allowing us to consume a huge amount of entertainment at our fingertips, we’re paying for this privilege. Depending on preferences, the amount of money spent on streaming services is on the up ”“ and that’s for services alone. If you’re a …

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5 essential grime albums for beginners

To celebrate the return of Wiley, with his new album Godfather II, we thought it was about time we compiled some essential grime listening. If this is your first taste of grime, you’re in good hands. Dig deep into some of the best albums to come from the UK’s biggest …

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Nine songs with hidden meanings

It’s easy to decipher some lyrics ”“ some have no deep-rooted meaning at all, and just happen to rhyme. There are plenty of hugely popular tracks that people think they have sussed, but they don’t have a clue what lies beneath the catchy tune. We took nine popular tracks and …

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15 female acts that shook the world of music

The world of music has been graced with more than a few trailblazing women over the years. Women that aren’t afraid to be themselves, aren’t afraid to try something new and stand up for what they believe in. We’ve pulled together 15 awe-inspiring female acts who shook the music world …

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The best albums of 2017

2017 has been a huge year for music. We’ve had comebacks that were bigger than before, debuts that broke the mold, and artists taking massive strides in a new direction. At musicMagpie, we’ve put together some of the shiniest musical gems of the last 12 months! Harry Styles ”“ Harry …

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The best Christmas songs (for people who hate Christmas songs)

”˜Tis the season to be jolly… unless you’re one of the many people who hates Christmas songs. Even if you love Christmas, hearing Last Christmas every day for a whole month can be enough to drive you up the wall. Luckily, a few Christmas-related tunes break the mould by giving …

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